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银行不良率定义 篇1



















银行不良率定义 篇2







然而,4月28日,银监会下发《关于规范银行业金融机构信贷资产收益权转让业务的通知》(银监发〔2016〕82号),规定在转让信贷资产收益 权时,作为出让方的银行应根据《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》,按照原信贷资产全额计提资本。这无疑将在很大程度上阻断银行不良“假出表”。



通道模式操作手法为,银行首先将不良贷款组包转让给amc(资产管理公司),amc向银行支付收购款。同时,银行将理财资金认购一个和转让规模 相匹配的资管计划。amc将资产包收益权转让给资管计划,并由资管计划支付收益权转让对价。接着,amc将资产包委托处置权和管理权授权给银行和amc的 合资公司(一般为基金子公司形式),合资公司再委托银行分行对资产包进行清收处置。回收资金定期归集划转至资管计划专户,并根据合同支付理财本金和收益。




经调查发现,一般来说,在通道模式和分级持有模式中,银行作为主导方,拥有资产包定价权,amc更多扮演通道角色。amc收 取的管理费一般不超过资产包本金的千分之八,合资公司收费不超过千分之四。银行分行因受委托进行处置回收,手续费可达回收金额的4%。









银行不良率定义 篇3


一. 现象模式 【社会中性现象】

para.1: 引出话题(今昔对照;数据引用)para.2: 分析原因(至少2点)para.3: 指出后果

para.4: 预测趋势;个人见解

currently a phenomenon is causing wide concern in society: … while a decade ago … used to, now … according to a recent survey, …

it is significant to explore the reasons for this one thing, … for another, … last but not least, …

undoubtedly/obviously, this phenomenon / the increase in … makes impacts on people’s everyday lives and work.…

it can be predicted that the trend will last over the years to my opinion, we should have a down-to-earth approach to one hand, we can take advantage of it to … on the other hand, we should be aware that if …

however, i am convinced that as long as we take a sensible attitude towards this issue, we will

certainly be able to …(134 words)


para.1: 引出话题(今昔对照;数据引用)para.2: 分析原因(至少2点)para.3: 指出危害

para.4: 预测趋势;解决措施(三元法;胡萝卜加大棒)currently a phenomenon is causing wide concern in society: … while a decade ago … used to, now … according to a recent survey, …

it is significant to explore the reasons for this one thing, … for another, … last but not least, …

it should be pointed out that this phenomenon /increase in … may create some problems with …/ may pose threats to.../ may badly affect …

it can be predicted that the trend will last over the years to come if nothing is to be done about my opinion, it is high time something was done to cope with the part of individuals, they should be aware that … then,(the second party)should … most importantly, society should … only in this way, can we

ensure that...(131 words)(it can be predicted that the trend will last over the years to come if nothing is to be done about my opinion, it is high time something was done to cope with the first place, laws should be made and reinforced to punish those who …, more importantly, education should be undertaken to enhance people’s awareness of …

only in this way, can we ensure that...二. 观点模式

para.1: 引出话题(二种对立观点)

para.2: 表明态度:赞成或反对(先抑后扬法)para.3: 得出结论:利大于弊或弊大于利+个人建议(currently a phenomenon is causing wide concern in society: …)

currently there exists a debate over whether we should … some people argue that … others, however, insist that … obviously, opinions vary widely among the general i see it/ personally, i am in favor of the former /latter is true that … however, it should be pointed out that … what’s more, …

from the above analysis, it can be concluded that the disadvantages of … outweigh the ore, i strongly suggest that … i am convinced that as long as we take a sensible attitude towards this issue, we will certainly be able to …(112 words)

三. 图表模式

para.1: 简要表述图表,得出主旨 para.2: 分析原因(至少2点)para.3: 指出后果或危害 para.4: 预测趋势;个人见解

as can be seen from this chart, in(beginning)… however, the figure … the message conveyed by this chart is self-evident: … 【社会中性现象】

it is significant to explore the reasons for this one thing, … for another, … last but not least, …

undoubtedly/obviously, this phenomenon / the increase in … makes impacts on people’s everyday lives and work.…

it can be predicted that the trend will last over the years to my opinion, we should have a down-to-earth approach to one hand, we can take advantage of it to … on the other hand, we should be aware that if …

however, i am convinced that as long as we take a sensible attitude towards this issue, we will certainly be able to …


it is significant to explore the reasons for this one thing, … for another, … last but not least, …

it should be pointed out that this phenomenon /increase in … may create some problems with …/ may pose threats to.../ may badly affect …

it can be predicted that the trend will last over the years to come if nothing is to be done about my opinion, it is high time something was done to cope with the part of individuals, they should be aware that … then,(the second party)should … most importantly, society should … only in this way can we ensure that...(131 words)(it can be predicted that the trend will last over the

years to come if nothing is to be done about my opinion, it is high time something was done to cope with the first place, laws should be made and reinforced to punish those who …, more importantly, education should be undertaken to enhance people’s awareness of …

only in this way, can we ensure that...【drill】

more white-collar, urban workers are reportedly quitting their jobs and moving out of the city to enjoy a more relaxed work and life is in contrast to the rapid influx of thousands of migrant workers and better educated youth into major chinese do you see this phenomenon? do the young urbanites fleeing the city mean a new form of social progress? yes: people are needed to move out to maintain a balance of city is because the mass migration to the city can’t be this trend continues, urban populations could get out of control and life would just get -city life could mean more flexible employment and better living conditions such as less polluted environment, fewer traffic congestions, and so a word, small-city life could mean more opportunities and a step : out of major cities is not a positive approach because it means these young people can’t tolerate

pressure and are running away, so it doesn’t represent social knows? most likely the small-city life could just turn out to be more tics tell us that those fleeing big cities are still in the minority, so it doesn’t constitute a social young people are still looking for success in their career in large cities because it is large cities that can offer more available opportunities.话题词汇 灾难(disaster)catastrophe大灾难,hazard危险, earthquake地震, epidemics流行病, flood洪水, drought干旱, plague瘟疫, famine饥荒, infection感染, infectious, hurricane飓风, landslide/mud-rock flow泥石流, spillage石油泄漏, storm风暴, typhoon台风, crash坠机, wreck船只失事, poisoning中毒, collapse倒塌, desertification 沙漠化

casualty/toll伤亡率, claim …lives夺取生命, perish死亡, under the threat of受到威胁, the departed死者, refuge避难, aid援助, donate捐献, precaution预防措施 ,panic恐慌,犯罪(commit crimes)juvenile少年的, criminal犯罪的;刑法的, civil民法的, abuse滥用;孽待, illegal非法的, assassination暗杀, assault攻击, bribe行贿, bribery贿赂, deceit欺骗, disguise伪装, fabricate捏造, fake假冒的;赝品, imitation模仿;赝品, fraud欺诈;骗子, bully欺负, motive动机, conspiracy密谋, kidnap绑架, hijack劫机, hostage人质, persecute迫害, pirate盗版, piracy, treason(叛国), violate违反, violation违章;违法, pistol手枪, rifle步枪, trigger扳机;引发, theft偷窃, pickpocket小偷, shoplifting商店行窃, burglary入门抢劫, robbery抢劫, mugging拦路抢劫, forgery伪造, smuggling走私, murder谋杀, rape强奸, justice司法;正义, enforce执行, sentence判刑, lawsuit官司, case案子, imprisonment坐牢,riot骚乱, victim受害者, scandal丑闻, affair恋情, offense违法, plead请求, plea(抗辩), appropriate, slum贫民窟, penalty处罚, prejudice偏见, discrimination歧视, injustice


commodity商品, merchandise商品,monetary金融的, entity实体, entrepreneur企业家, gross, domestic国内的, crisis危机, fluctuate波动, stereotype成见, slide下滑, plunge下跌, slack萧条, depression萧条, revive复苏, revival, recovery复苏, thrive繁荣, prosperity繁荣, stability稳定, instability不稳定, bankrupt破产stimulus刺激, boom增长, soar飞速上升, quota配额;报价, revenue财政收入, bond债券, stock证券, bull牛市, bear熊市, dividend红利, security证券, surplus盈余, curb控制, circulation流通, strategy策略, budget预算, deficit赤字, phase阶段, property财产, asset资产, expenditure开支, impetus刺激, management资方, labor劳方;工会, speculation投机, venture风险;合资企业, regulation规章, subsidy补贴, transaction交易, corporate企业的, commission佣金, turnover人事变动;营业额, patent专利, commercial商业的;电视广告, trademark商标, slogan口号, warranty保修, specification规格, refund退款, replacement换货, compensation赔偿, installment分期付款, inventory清单;库存, lease租赁, mature成熟的, , barrier壁垒, withdrawal取款;退出, tariff关税, monopoly垄断, mortgage抵押, appraisal评估, auction拍卖, adversary对手, rival对手, register注册,redundant下岗, dominate主宰, dominant垄断的, distribution分销, premium保险费;佣金,科学技术 政治社会