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英语演讲稿怎么写 篇1

distinguished leaders, young friends:

hello, everyone! my name is xu rong, i have to speak on the theme "youthdance."

the healthy growth of young people between the well-being of millions ofhouseholds and the country's future development. to achieve the education goalof modernization of the proposed for educators pointed out the direction, theyoung workers in the first assault team should of course,adhere topeople-oriented theory. ministry of education, focus attention oninfrastructure, regulate all kinds of work systems of the time, we shouldincrease the team of cadres of management and service efforts. in order to fullymobilize the enthusiasm of the team of cadres, but also developed a completesystem for quantification of grassroots work, establish and perfect a reasonablean effective incentive mechanism; in order to improve our overall quality ofcadres and skills, the team held a contest to run computer applications, englishspoken training courses, and organizing people to learn from advanced areas tobroaden their horizons in order to understand the team of cadres workingconditions in schools, the ministry of education has traveled a number ofprimary and secondary schools to conduct research, listen to the views of theschool party and government leaders to make school leadership cadres receiveattention and guidance of the ministry of education to carry out a variety ofpractical activities to actively lead the majority of young teachers work hardto become qualified personnel and for them to put up the cast talent stage, asingle sail swaying, after numerous twists and turns arrived in port, if thereis wind, a hand, and naturally smooth arrival and guide students to strive toexcel, need to nazhen "wind" - teacher. teachers should be ideological and moraleducation, culture education and the needs of students organically combiningvarious activities for the students or students to carry out their own. forexample: school quiz competitions, essay contests, ke benju performances andother activities to enable students to give full play to their talents. teachersrush toil, in order to that will enable students to continue to draw nutrients,to help them grow up healthily and become pillars of the country before.

for all students in general education, the government departments have alsonot forget those who cared about the difficulties of single-parent children,they may have a normal child life unimaginable burden and psychological stry of education has a strong seed spread in national blossom everywhere,pouring a lot to overcome difficulties and to exert themselves in a typical,these seeds do not make the child a strong anti-up, is even more so the parentsget stronger, and with the sincere to pay for the children in exchange for ahappy to help each child out of the shadows, healthy the majority ofthe young communist league students, but few people know the words meaning. inthe red of the season, we haveushered in one another "54", which provides anopportunity for generations of young people to whom the surging blood thefestival, followed by may 5th is our young people have engraved in our mindsevery day. may 5, 1922, the communist youth league held its first nationalcongress, which is also a sign forever keep company with young people, alwaysput the motherland the fate and self-development closely linked to "chineseyouth organization of the proletariat," was established. history will foreverremember this day - may 4, 1999, china's youth will be "patriotic" was shockedto write in their own big flag. they spared no efforts in the spirit of deathhave awakened the slumbering nation, but also kindled hope of the nation withthe blood and heroic sons and daughters of the youth compose a song of eternalsong of youth, loud and enlightening group song sung so far.

"54" movement brought me strong, it shook me. and sometimes i askthemselves "54" what is it in the end the spirit of what it means today, howmany times i have to explore the, recalling the heroic history of pottery in thetaste of it filled with suffering and tears, listening to the call of the long those past events, such as the twenty-first century chest, i have ataste of that majestic momentum.

i have asked myself countless times, today's so-called "fourth" spirit oreighty years ago the "54" spirit do today, "54" or a spirit of the motherland,the people unlimited sincerity, our community and studying history for theirdevotion, the spirit of do change it will change over time do whatever theoutcome, we, as the twenty-first century, young people, in this decade, thelooking into the new century, we remember the suffering of the last century thechinese nation and the revolution difficult, we should cherish today's harvest,so-called "a sub - hard, no gain. "our twenty-first century, young people, butalso should be a high sense of mission, responsibility, a sense of ecstasy, andthe sincere work of flu, 54 inheritance of traditional spirit of the 54 sportingspirit to flourish, for the motherland's socialist presented a contribution tothe building. let us burn with passion for the years up to youth dance bar!

thank you!

英语演讲稿怎么写 篇2

when i'm free or in trouble, i always take out a book and read quietly. inno time, i've put my heart into it so that i'll forget all the troubles. it's inthis way that i've formed the habit of reading in any time.

little boys as i was, i was interest in picture books and storybooks. i wasstruck by them. no sooner had i entered the middle school than i began to readnovel, plays, essays and so on. i found i could get much from them. little bylittle i took great interest in literature and last term i won the first prizein the composition contest among middle-school students in zhe jiang.

reading “the emperor's new clothes”, i had to let out a burst of laughterover his fool. “the little match girl” couldn't keep me from crying for hermisery. “ robinson crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. and iwas also deeply impressed by helen keller's patience and perseverance… besidesthese, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell thedifference between right and wrong. in a word, good books can make me know whati didn't before. so i think of a good book as my best friend.

i'll never forget this famous saying,“ good books are best friends whonever turn their backs upon us.”

have you ever learned english by watching english dvd movies? is that aneffective english learning method for you? why?

watching english dvd movies is a very effective method of learning english.i learnt english at college at home. as a natural result of insufficient englishspeaking environment, my speaking and listening abilities were not developedsatisfactorily, although my reading and writing abilities were quite all right.i remember my experience during a summer vacation when i made plans to watch 10original english movies (i mean those not dubbed.) including the classiccasablanca, rebecca, a tale of two cities, and little women.

i persistently carried out my plan and each of the films i watched a dozentimes until i could recite most of the dialogues. at the end of that summervacation, i found i became nearly as fluent as a native english speaker.

the ways of reading

we may obtain knowledge by reading. the more books we read, the more weaccumulate the knowledge. is it right? i don’t think so. it’s not wide readingbut useful reading that leads to excellence. and only good books can benefitus.

so choosing books is very important for reading. many students spend a lotof time reading legends and swordsman novels. it’s a waste of time. somestudents even read some bad books and it is harmful for them.

so be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for ourhabit and character will be as much influenced by the former as by thelatter.

英语演讲稿怎么写 篇3

o if we want to learn english well ,we must practice readingenglisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way tosucceed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just careaboutcatching the chance to speak……

hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you !i am gladthat youcan spend this precious time having this class in thisafternoon.

now please allow me to introduce myself to you .my name is wangjia andimajored in traffic engineering .baoji is my hometown it is verybeautiful. andthe people are very friendly.

as we all knowen thingking is easy acting is difficult and to putone'sthoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world.

so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice readingenglisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way tosucceed.whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just careaboutcatching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget yourfacebecause the more you speak the better your english will become,neverafraidofmaking mistakes because the more mistakes you make the more progress you willmake.as a man living in the world ,we must try our best to makeeach day ourmasterpiece and don't let our parents down ,don't ever letour country down ,mostimportantly don't let ourself down.

yesterday is a memory tommorrow is a dream so live for todayjust do itright now.i believe if you can dream it you can make it ,ifyou do you will winif you don't you won't.believe in youself trustyouself try your best. don't giveup ,never give in, never lose hope ,never say impossible .the success is coming! thank you !