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太空授课英语作文 篇1


On June 20, 10 o 'clock in the morning, this is an exciting moment, on the shenzhou spacecraft for the first time China will teach to space. This is unprecedented in our country, is the second time around the world. God taught ten space, therefore, not only is the country of a prosperous time, is also the world love astronomy, physics and other fields scholars, friends a prosperous time.

For the first time space to teach is what time? In fact, as early as in 1985, NASA has put forward the idea of teaching space, and for training the two female teachers, one is McAuliffe, a Morgan. However, unfortunately, in the second year of launch, McAuliffe with spaceship coming to earth - the dreams, the challenger spacecraft exploded 73 seconds after lift-off and broken.

Morgan, however, did not give up the dream god taught, for she was prepared for 22 years. Finally, in 2007, she was in the international space station in the world's first space, through the video, to students on for 25 minutes, and shows how astronauts in space motion, how to drink water in space, etc.

Similarly, the same in our country is taught by female astronauts, but the difficulty of the teaching is much bigger than the secondary Morgan - the Wang Yaping mainly display in the weightless environment of some physical phenomena, presentation is no longer water, sports, etc. We have a clear content, but higher content of science and technology of physics concepts.

Wang Yaping five experiments mainly demonstrated in the lecture, the quality measurement, simple pendulum motion, gyroscopic motion, water film and water polo and so on five basic physics experiments, main is to let teenagers to know under the condition of weightlessness, what characteristics of objects in the games, liquid surface tension have what effect, at the same time to deepen the quality, weight, and the understanding of the basic physical concepts such as Newton's law. Five of these experiments don't look simple, but behind it there is knowledge of physics is amazing and profound!

The experiment is their own designated in advance? It's not. The experiment in the part of the problem is collected by the China manned space engineering web, it is not only the space of a breakthrough, but also a breakthrough of their own youth. Because only have demonstrated value problem can be collect, the requirements that we teenagers need more related knowledge, let oneself from inside to outside busy, can't hollow abdomen empty.

Asked about life in space water is recycled. I'm interested in this problem is. Commander nie tells us that the ship in the water up from the earth, but it is not have recycling function, because it requires a more advanced technology and sophisticated equipment. Hearing this, I can not help some sad, their life in space how hard ah.

Perhaps the space life water recycle can realize you need to look at our youth of this generation. I believe that in the near future, there will be more and more people interested in the mystery of space, is willing to our aerospace business to exert more power, "China dream space" to us achieve near!

太空授课英语作文 篇2

太空授课激发孩子的梦想 Lecture from Space Inspires Children's Dreams

It’s reported that there are more than sixty million students and teachers watched the first space lecture hosted by Wang Yaping in the Tiangong-1. It has aroused hot concern and discussion. The lecture was about motion in micro-gravity environments and the surface tension of liquid in space, as well as the concepts of weight, mass and Newton's Law. Many people say this activity will produce far-reaching impact. It will first inspire children’s interest in space and then to work hard. In addition, youth people can be more intuitive access to aerospace knowledge by this way. Their interaction with the astronauts would make children are no longer strangers to the distant universe, so that stimulates their love of science and knowledge of worship, develop lofty ideals in the heart of aerospace. In short, scientific knowledge has helped open a window for the youngsters to know about the universe. I am sure that this activity will take root in youngers’ heart as a seed, and ultimately grow into towering trees.


王亚平太空授课观后感 篇3






看完这次太空授课,我学到了不仅仅是一些未曾初触及的理论知识,更重要的是,我见到了许多有趣的现象,更让我巩固了对过去书面知识的认知,印象十分深刻。同时太空授课的益处也不仅仅局限于普通的课堂,它更能激发我们对太空的向往以及兴趣,使我们从小便有所积累,为将� 另一方面太空授课也向世界彰显了我国航天技术的先进性,对国家在国际的影响及发展扮演着重要的角色。

王亚平太空授课观后感 篇4



6月20日的早上,我们和老师激动地围坐在教室里,等待着太空授课的正式开始。10点左右,神舟十号的太空授课正式开始。王亚� 三名宇航员精心地为我们讲解一些有趣的物理现象,同学们既好奇又羡慕。在失重的条件下,宇航员们可以轻松地漂浮在半空中,我们感觉太神奇了,这些有趣的现象引起了同学们无尽的遐想!


太空授课观后感400字 篇5





王亚平太空授课观后感 篇6






最后两个是我最喜欢的实验,那就是-------水膜和水球。王亚平老师先把一个吹泡泡的东西放进了一个饮用水袋。过了一会儿,王亚平老师把那个东西拿出来以后,居然形成了一个水膜!王亚平老师又往上面加水,慢慢地形成了一个水球,并且没有任何东西包起来。看起来晶莹剔透,还在那个东西上动着,王亚平老师又用针筒把里面的小泡泡都吸了,又放了几个大泡泡进去,虽然会撞到,但从不 然后,王亚平老师又用针筒注射了红水进去。红水一点点把水球占满了,所以它又变成了红水球。


王亚平太空授课观后感 篇7

