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大学生优秀毕业生的自我介绍 篇1

“In some important ways, my generation has failed you,” Cook said. “We spent too much time debating, too focused on the fight and not enough on progress.”

“You don’t need to look far to find an example of that failure,” he continued, pointing to an example that no one understands better than those living in the natural disaster-dogged New Orleans: climate change.

“This problem doesn’t get easier based on who wins an election. It’s about who has won life’s lottery and has the luxury of ignoring this issue, and who stands to lose everything. The costal communities, including some right here in Louisiana, that are already making plans to leave behind the places they’ve called home for generations and head for higher ground… When we talk about climate change, I challenge you to look for those who have the most to lose and find the real, true empathy that comes from something shared. When you do that, the political noise dies down and you can feel your feet planted on solid ground.”

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We live in an era of accelerating change where often as a society and as individuals we seem to be struggling to keep up.

Graduation is all about change. And at Michigan that means it’s not only about the change in you, it’s about the changes you will contribute to in society.

In the fall of 20xx, when many of you started as undergraduates here at Michigan, our world was a different place.

Me Too was not yet a hashtag. The event horizon of a black hole had never been imaged. And midterm voter turnout on university campuses across the country was just 19 percent.

Each of these examples, in their own way, demonstrates the often long and difficult path to change.

The Me Too Movement was founded in 20xx by activist and sexual assault survivor Tarana Burke. Burke wanted to provide a place for survivors to tell their stories, for empathy, and for healing.

She spent more than a decade persevering and advocating on the behalf of those whose stories are marginalized, or not told at all. Then the idea she started went viral, transforming into global conversation and, we must hope, change.

The image of the black hole event horizon presented last month required two years of computer analysis, data from 8 observatories on three continents, and a team of 200 scientists, which included 20xx U-M Electrical Engineering graduate Katie Bouman.

We have now seen what had previously been described as un-seeable, and pushed the frontiers of knowledge to the darkest regions of the universe.

And during the 20xx midterm election, Tufts University reports that youth turnout increased in every state for which they have data. In 27 states, it rose by double digits.

Plus, precincts that serve Big Ten campuses saw their turnout increase by an average of 24 percentage points. This is more than double the increase in nearby areas, indicating that students made their voice heard. Higher turnout was a goal of the Big Ten Voting Challenge. Well done!

Choosing to commit to the work needed to make change, and see it through, can produce amazing results – but it can also frustrate.

Change doesn’t happen in a straight line. It’s messy. It can take years, or even decades.

But when it is founded on principled dedication, collaboration, and hope – all the ingredients are in place.

Our campus has wonderful examples.

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我叫陆,是技术学院xx年期间,我更是惜时如金,不断从各方面严格要求自己。"知识就是未来",除了完成大学的教学大纲要求, 我还大量涉猎各方面的知识。通过看报、听广播、看电视、上网、与老师、同学讨论等等,不仅扩大自己的知识面、增长见识,而且帮助自己正确地树立了人生观、价值观:对社会做出自己的贡献! 通过全面,系统的学习,我不仅理解和掌握了文秘专业这一领域的相关知识,而且还具备了一定的实际操作能力和技术。三年来,老师的教育及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了秘书写作、秘书语言与交际、公共关系、办公自动化、秘书学等专业课程。同时也拥有一定的分析和设计能力。






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As Daniel goes on to Teach for America, he leaves a university that is changed for the better.

The changes you have seen on campus and around the globe also provide a roadmap that can serve as a guide to the changes you can create in society.

Purposefully contributing to change requires courage, trust, and the willingness to listen and consider many voices. It works best when trust is built by finding common ground, and when we reject the view that it is “us versus them” — that there must be winners and losers.

This is how we can overcome the erosion of trust and begin to collaborate to work through differences.

It takes courage to open ourselves up to opinions and interpretations we don’t agree with. But it’s also how we learn, sharpen our own arguments, and hone our ability to persuade others.

Your time at Michigan has provided a wonderful proving ground to develop your ability to create change. Where else can you seek solutions among such talented scholars, all pursuing knowledge and understanding to advance a quintessentially public mission?

U-M is a place where data and evidence matter, where all voices can be heard, and where talented and hard-working students emerge as leaders and best.

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In the walls of ice, in the thrones of iron, we see a mirror for our times.

We recognize our own world, where too many live for their tribe alone. Where too often, we listen only to those who think, look, and believe as we do.

Where the game seems rigged against open and free exploration. We hear too few dissenting voices, and we consider too few conflicting views. But remember: None of this is inevitable.

We can glorify our own tribe to the exclusion of others. We can build up our walls, and we can cast down those who are different.

Or we can better use the strength in our hearts and the power in our hands.

Our many identities and beliefs: We make these our threads. Our diverse backgrounds and goals: They become our loom.

From this world of differences, we can weave a tapestry of communities.

Weaving…yeah…weaving is hard work, especially when we interlace many into one. Our identities may clash. Our beliefs diverge. We disagree over where we want to go. We argue about the best way to get there.

But when – together – we embrace the challenge, the cloth of human understanding grows more resilient. We craft something stronger by far…by far than iron thrones and walls of ice.

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本人自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道 德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。




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Now there's another very important group: your family and friends. The people who, more than anyone else, loved, supported, and even sacrificed greatly to help you reach this moment. Let's give them a round of applause. This will be my first piece of advice. You might not appreciate until much later in your life how much this moment means to them. Or how that bond of obligation, love, and duty between you matters more than anything else.

In fact, that's what I really want to talk to you about today. In a world where we obsessively document our own lives, most of us don't pay nearly enough attention to what we owe one another. Now this isn't just about calling your parents more, although I'm sure they'd be grateful if you did that. It's about recognizing that human civilization began when we realized that we could do more together. That the threats and danger outside the flickering firelight got smaller when we got bigger. And that we could create more — more prosperity, more beauty, more wisdom, and a better life — when we acknowledge certain shared truths and acted collectively.

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Our passion for change is why we are the nation’s No. 1 public research university.

It’s why the discovery process has been a foundational centerpiece of our Michigan DNA for more than 200 years.

It’s why we strive, always, to extend our impact beyond the borders of our campus – to the communities we serve, and to the frontiers of human knowledge that now span galaxies.

It’s why I hope you are asking, on the day of your graduation, what you can change next.

The challenges we face as a society are numerous and complex – from climate change to poverty to conflict between nations.

But these and many other challenges can unite us as we strive for change – if we choose the path of courage.

Listen to different views.

Trust one another.

Find common ground.

And commit to the discussions and the discoveries that can produce a better world.

Class of 20xx, our society is yours to change.

Seek out new evidence, develop new methods, and consider many points of view.

And choose the path that will make ours a better world – as you Go discover, Go achieve, Go serve, and Go Blue!

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本人思想端正,积极向上,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标。 在校期间,本人勤奋学习,通过系统的学习掌握较为扎实的知识体系,在班里担任班干部一职期间,由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,努力工作,得到了老师及同学们的肯定。



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when I finally arrived on campus, I was in for a surprise. In fact, I was stunned. I had never before in my life felt poor. As a scholarship student, suddenly, I was surrounded by people who were so astoundingly rich! I was also fascinated by this and other differences – different faiths, politics, ethnicities, and culture.

And sure, at times it was uncomfortable. There were many moments I just wanted to turn around and go back home to my mother’s warm embrace – and also her great home cooking!

And like every one of you…every one of you, I made the best, most important choice of my life: I would pick up the threads of differences to weave myself a new community.

This would become my cause, my mission, my identity. I had found my purpose, rooted in beloved community.

I was inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Luther King. He called upon us all to embrace inclusion, love, and justice. He preached the soul force of nonviolent protest.

He warned against the perils of tribalism, of clinging to the familiar and holding sacred the status quo.

King famously addressed his…go ahead…he famously addressed his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” not to his jailers, but to his “fellow clergymen.”

He challenged them to reject the status quo. In King’s words, we find the essence of beloved community, recognizing that: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

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