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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇1

Dear sir / madam,

As a 23-year-old aspiring student who has grown up and received hiseducation in pace with the evolution of China's market economy over the past twodecades,I deem myself in possession of many professional qualities forundertaking a career in advanced marketing and business management. I believethat I have demonstrated more creativity,management skills,English languageproficiency,and the courage to accept challenges than most of my peers on anumber of important occasions-being selected a large number of competitorsto study at x University of x on an exchange program,winning prize in the x forUniversity Students,launching my own company upon completing my undergraduateprogram. My interest and my demonstrated abilities show me unmistakably that totake up a lifelong career in high-level marketing management will be veryappropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. In order to scalenew heights academically and to lay a solid foundation for my later-day careerdevelopment,I would like to apply for a Master's program in internationalmarketing at the prestigious Business School in x University. For me,this is aself-conscious attempt to face challenge and to transc my former self. Iexpect to be initiated into a first-rate academic environment in which myacademic foundation is consolidated and my business potential isstrengthened.

It was in x Technology and Business School that I completed myundergraduate education,majoring in marketing. As an academic discipline,marketing fascinated me for its increasingly important strategic role in modernmanagement and for its interdisciplinary character,as it encompasses managementscience,psychology,sociology,statistics,etc. From the very outset of myundergraduate program,I realized the importance of seeking a comprehensivedevelopment,on both academic and personal levels,in order to become a seniormanagement professional in the future. Therefore,throughout my undergraduateprogram,I eavored to make full exploitation of all the available educationalresources of my university to improve my academic performance. An examination ofmy academic transcript will indicate that I have maintained a year-by-yearascance in my study. Apart that,I have also been very active inextracurricular activities and learned German and x languages besides English.My ability to perform indepent research was cultivated and improved throughwriting my internship treatise and graduation thesis,both of which were given a95-point score,the highest score in my class. In particular,my thesis On theMarketing of Hi-Tech Products,by focusing on the major business risks involvedin the marketing of hi-tech products and on the short and uncertain life cycleof those products,was rated "Excellent" for detailed analyses and novelperspectives that I offered in it.

The most important part of my undergraduate graduate program is definitelymy short but memorable stay in x. As a junior,I was selected through acompetitive screening test to embark on a 4-month exchange program with x's xPolytechnic on the strengths of my distinguished academic performance,Englishproficiency and computer skills. This exciting and memorable experience provedextremely beneficial to me-I gained marked improvement in my English,wasexposed to a totally different life style and educational system,and achievednew understanding of the concept of marketing. Plunged into a new academicenvironment,I demonstrated a creative and a critical spirit rare in Chinesestudents,and won appreciation my x professors. In atting the courseHigh Tech Marketing,my team members and I spent the entire semester verifyingthe plausibility of a business proposal that I raised but was rejected by my xadvisor. Under my insistence and through my continued refinement,my businessproposal achieved eventual success and has been incorporated into the overallbusiness plan of x Company. In another course International Business Plan,myfruitful collaboration with my x classmates led to our team's winning of theunprecedented full mark in the final evaluation of our course project. I alsoaccumulated important experience of performing group research in the eAcademyproject headed by Dr. x,in which I was responsible for the marketing planningof the enterprise.

Upon completing my undergraduate program,with the support of my frisand family members,I launched my own x Trade Company that deals in medicalequipment and provides hospital management consulting service. In doing this,Ibecame one of the few Chinese graduates who established their own business. Mybusiness impulse originated two sources. The first is my participation inthe x for University Students in which my team won Excellence Award (myresponsibility was to formulate marketing plans for our "Optimum" Company and toconduct market surveys). Another is my internship as a senior student at ane-commerce company during which I planned and organized market investigations inpreparation for the marketing of the company's latest product-HospitalManagement Information System. I saw myself as possessing necessary businessmanagement skills and marketing potential.

Managing my own company,making real business plans and designing realmarketing strategies,all those have allowed me to apply my knowledge and to tapmy business potential. In making this bold move,I wish to develop a clearunderstanding of what I am good at and to chart the course of my future careerdevelopment. My present application for a Master's program at your esteemeduniversity is motivated by my need to receive further academic input that willenable me to develop my company into a major enterprise.

According to modern management theories,successful enterprises must behighly customer-oriented and marketing is no longer the job of a particularfunctional department of an enterprise. As a developing country with a plannedeconomy for many decades,China lacks a well-developed science of management andmarketing,and the current marketing practices are far mature as marketingas a standard academic discipline is only of recent origin. Yet this may prove ablessing in disguise for me as I am located at the crucial point of China'sdevelopment in marketing theory and practice and I will enjoy greater chances ofsuccess. In my proposed degree program,I would like to focus on the marketingof Hi-tech products and on the marketing of multinational companies undercultural pluralism. The relationship between marketing and cultural pluralismhas long been my major research concern and during my study in x I have alreadypaid special attention to the impact of cultural differences between East andWest on marketing. In my future studies,I will be exposed a greater culturaldiversity,which I believe will further facilitate my study and research. It isan art to deal with the subtle relationship between culture and marketing and Ineed to gain more understanding and experience in this regard.

Young as I am,I am fully aware of the transitory nature of life and allthat I can do is to race against time to maximize knowledge and expertise and toenrich the value of my life within the limited span of my life. Through myfuture study,I wish to develop myself into a marketing specialist. This is anobjective,and I am in possession of the necessary foundation,academic andprofessional,and the potential for realizing this objective.

Yours sincerely,

2024个人出国留学申请书 篇2

I am writing to express my full support for xiao xiao, who is applying tograduate school at [name of school]. though i am currently a visiting scholar atthe university of california, san diego, i was xiao's supervisor at the vvvuniversity school of architecture and civil engineering. in my [number] years inacademia, xiao stands out as one of the best students i've encountered.

as the professor in charge of vvv's student union, i spent several yearssupervising and working closely with pan, who served as the union's chairpersonand monitor. pan's work included managing the routine affairs of his class of 76students and planning many student activities. consequently, through our closecontact, i gained a thorough understanding of and respect for pan's character,his strong organizational skills, and his leadership ability. for example, infall 1997, xiao organized an evening party for incoming freshmen. i stillvividly remember the party's resounding success, as well as pan's unswervingattention to details.

dedication and passion are hallmarks of pan's character. although the workhe did as a student leader was time-consuming and tiring, he never complained.he simply embraced his responsibilities, and enjoyed the tasks at hand. studentsacknowledged his devotion to his classmates repeatedly: for four years in a row,the student body elected him monitor and chairperson. xiao felt great warmth notonly for his classmates, but also for society at large.


professor name

department of electrical engineering,

abc university

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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇4

Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in the way that thethings around me work. From marvelling at the telephone to how planes can fly,engineering advances have never failed to captivate me. For this reason, I havealways tried to find out how such things function, and about how they have hadan impact on the society we live in today. Coupled with the fact that I havealways enjoyed the logical and problem-solving processes involved in maths andphysics, I decided several years ago to embark on a career in engineering.

Since then, I have endeavoured to find out as much about engineering aspossible. I researched the great engineers such as Brunel, and discovered thegreat works they had completed. I have attended several engineering conferences,the most recent of which I was selected to speak live on radio about myexperiences. And once I had completed several weeks' worth of work experience, Iwas assured that it was the career that I wanted to pursue.

This summer, I took part in the Nuffield Bursary scheme for a month,working in a team, at Aerogistics Ltd. Our project was to analyse and implementa new system for the distribution of consumable materials to the individualdepartments within the company. We found the current system to be highlyinefficient and after much data gathering and thought, presented our findings tothe senior managers of the company who agreed with our ideas. The last week wasspent starting the implementation of these ideas. I found the experience to behighly challenging, yet rewarding especially as it led to me gaining a GoldCrest Award. I also found it useful as I got to see engineers at work and thedaily problems that they face. I learnt that there is a lot more to being a goodengineer than possessing technical competence, although this is undoubtedlyimportant; team work, communication and leadership skills are vital as well.

I have also recently been selected to complete two placements with armyengineers. One of these placements will focus on the more practical side ofengineering while the other will focus on the skills needed by a professionalengineer focussing on project planning and leadership. I hope to find theexperience useful.

In my spare time I like to play sport and music. In secondary school I wascaptain for the Netball and Football teams, as well as taking part in variousother sports. The experience of this greatly improved my team working abilitiesas well as my fitness. As a keen musician I am working towards my grade 5 theoryand grade 7 practical on cello. I am a member of a Youth Orchestra, and havejust recently completed a tour of Italy. I am also in the school orchestra andhave led several orchestras in the past, before progressing to the LYO.

In school, I am Deputy Head Girl, helping to lead a team of over 40prefects. I find this to be a challenging and stimulating role and believe ithas developed my confidence immensely. As well as carrying out the normal dutiesof a prefect, such as supervising younger students, I must lead and manage theother prefects. My role involves arranging rotas, organising after school eventssuch as the Year 7 social and parent's evenings and public speaking as well asother responsibilities, which have developed my communication, organisation andleadership skills immensely. The role requires a lot of commitment, but it hashelped to improve my time management, as I try to strike a balance between itand school work, which is my main priority. I have also been selected to competein the Physics Olympiad and have been entered for the Biology AdvancedExtension.

During my time at university I hope to gain a good degree, which will standme in good stead for when I enter the world of work. I would like to continue myeducation in a place where I can thrive both academically and socially, andwhere I can put my determination and motivation into good use. Thank you.

2024个人出国留学申请书 篇5

Dear ,

My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree leveldevelops from my enjoyment from the single Business Studies at AS, currentlyconverted into a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be afascinating subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities. Mycoursework case studies of both Norwich Union and Zenith Conservatories havegiven me an insight into complexities involved in operating such variedbusinesses, which I have found most intriguing, particularly those which relateto any financial considerations. Studying these business subjects at degreelevel will allow me to explore, in depth, a range of stimulating andinterdisciplinary topics which I feel will give me a broader understandingtowards the theories and practices of management in different organizations inrelation to a Financial/Information environment

At school, I have participated in many fund raising events, open days andfurther education fairs. I regularly collect for Save the Children charity andhave subsequently become a member. Extra-curricular activities have incorporateddrama productions of Grease, the promotion of the School production of West SideStory as part of my Marketing unit and a heavy involvement in the preparationand publishing of our year 11 yearbook. These were demanding tasks, whichincluded budgeting our costs and materials to keep within a specific pricelimit. Although it was tough, I found it extremely satisfying, especially afterseeing the final results. My AS Business course has given me an understanding oforganizations as a whole, but experiences such as working on the Year book andduties in my part time job has allowed me to expand my knowledge andconsciousness of such financial topics. My ICT skills have developed highlythrough doing Vocational A levels, which I feel is invaluable in the Businessfield. The main thing I have learnt is that for all businesses, financialmatters are imperative; it is the core of any organization and beingknowledgeable in such issues attracts me

My communication skills have been enhanced through my part time employmentwith River Island. My promotion to weekend footwear manager is developingknowledge of financial record keeping, problem solving, meeting weekly salestargets and teamwork awareness, which I feel can be used and put into practicewhilst studying my preferred degree course

From the age of seven I attended a Bury St Edmunds Gymnastics club andcompeted at County, Regional and National levels. The feeling that I got when Iplayed a role within the team to gain the gold medal was amazing, equal to thefeeling when I achieved an individual gold medal as the top National aroundcompetitor. The realization of how important managing school work with a hobbywhich was not only physically demanding, but emotionally challenging has givenme a understanding of how to be realistic, a skill which is valuable whenplanning certain business strategies

I believe that during my sixth form studies I have grown in both confidenceand maturity, preparing me for the opportunity to study at university. My choiceof AS and A levels, along with other academic and personal achievements havehelped to consolidate and support my desire to study Business at degree level. Ibelieve that I will be fully committed to successfully completing Accountancy/Information Business related degree and relish in any opportunities which aregiven to help me achieve my aspirations in a business related career.

Yours sincerely,

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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇7






加拿大的艺术专业的语言分数没有商科专业的分数这么高,通常需要学生的IELTS分数 能够达到6.5分以上,或者TOEFL的分数在90分以上就可以了,有些加拿大学校的艺术专业要求更低,IELTS达到6.0分或者TOEFL达到80分就可以。










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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇9

Dear x,

This is applicant -- China. As an aspiring dreamer, I have beenenthusiastically fond of accounting and finance and aspired to make a differencein this domain. However, I clearly know that there is a long way to go anaspiring dreamer to a talent in the field of accounting and finance. In strivingfor my goal, I pursue constant progress and self-transcing to become a bestme. After entering Wuhan Institute of Technology in , I chose Accounting asmy major without hesitation. Now, to perfect my knowledge system and sharpen myvision, I am sincerely applying for the postgraduate programme in your esteemeduniversity.

Through the extensive study at university, I not only enriched myprofessional knowledge but also enhanced my indepent thinking, logicalthinking as well as computing skills. Also, the undergraduate study enabled meto get a general understanding of accounting. my interest in finance andmanagement was strengthened. With strong enthusiasm, I made full use of time towatch economic reports and read financial books. Driven by my self-motivation, Ilearned the specialized courses assiduously and achieved satisfying performance.To be more competent, I obtained the Accountant Qualification Certificate. I amconvinced that the knowledge storage will serve as a strong support for myfurther study.

I regard your esteemed university as my dream place to pursue a higherdegree. With favorable learning environment, eminent faculty, abundant resourcesand sound facilities, your distinguished university attracts me a lot.

After my completion of the postgraduate study, I int to find a jobrelevant to accounting and finance in a large scale enterprise. Then, I willeavor to be a distinguished accountant who can make a difference. I know thatthe postgraduate study demands hard work and commitment; it is a real investmentof time and money, but I’m getting fully prepared to embark on the learningjourney. I am not afraid of challenges. And I always regard myself as a fighterwith an unconquerable will to upgrade and develop myself.

Yours sincerely,

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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇11

Dear _,

I am a student of _ school _ (female, born on August 20th, _), and I amabout to become a middle school student. My biggest wish is to be able to studyin _, because destiny made me know _middle school. In the summer of 20_ I wasfortunate to become a member of the school club, and represented _ middle schoolto participate _ in _ the middle school student sports meeting (table tenniscompetition) that year, and achieved good results. In just a few days of thecompetition, through the introduction of the leading teachers and teammates, Ihave a full understanding of _middle school. After that, I pay more attention tolearning and love sports. In my heart, learning and exercise have constitutedthe driving force for mutual promotion. At present, my table tennis skills havebeen further improved. In the 20_20_years, I have won the second place in thewomen's group A of the table tennis competition for two consecutive years.

Ping-pong is my hobby, and it is my goal of continuous efforts to improveacademic performance. A good learning environment can create outstandinglearning talents. The suburban high school is my dream choice. The school hasthe traditional virtues of solidarity and mutual assistance, and has a learningatmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, and surpassing", and it ismore problem-solving. Good teachers and leaders who are difficult and willing toteach. Opportunities are met but not sought. If the school leaders give me thisopportunity, I will continue to sum up my experience and lessons, be mentallyprepared to dare to endure all hardships, establish the confidence to overcomeall difficulties, and strive to be excellent Achievement completed three yearsof junior high school life. Never let the school leaders down. I don'tunderstand whether this formulation is appropriate, but I implore the leaders tostudy my application.

Yours sincerely,


2024个人出国留学申请书 篇12

Dear x,

I live in Pakistan-a country destroying itself with bombs,guns andgovernments' blabber to find justifications for what it is going through;acountry where a former president is murdered in public,where the nation'sconstitution and parliament are suspended at the same time,and where the voiceof a common man is unheard.

Since the last few years, I had aspired to become a doctor.The idea of"scalpels," "opened chests" and "sutures" had always intrigued me.And then ithappened!The recent unprecedented events in my country wiped off the dust ofdisillusionment from my eyes;I lost my will to become a doctor.However,theturmoil in the country led me towards newspapers and news channels,and hencePolitics.

As I involved myself into politics,I realized that it isall-embracive-wielding its way over social and economic life-it is theomnipotent of Pakistan.It can mobilize public opinion,gear up propagandamachinery,make or repeal laws and what not.Backed up by public opinion,supportedby the majority of the legislators,armed with the means to keep the people in astate of ignorance,political power crosses the limits of dictatorialpowers.Political power,like the most powerful intoxicant,makes the persons inpower to forget social ethics,political morality and obligations.

Most of the learned youth in this country consider Politics to be "a refugefor the scoundrels" and this derogatory remark may be true if we look at thedeceptive and degenerated type of politicians indulging in a dirty game.Allthese political parties are votaries of democracy,but the way they conductthemselves inside their own parties is nothing but senselessauthoritarianism.Therefore a very few students choose to pursue Politics as aprofession,but what they don't realize is that if we don't take a stand thesystem can never be changed.Thus,I want to study Politics so I can come back tomy country and contribute what little I can do for my homeland and its people.IfI can inspire even a single person,it would be worth it.The world today isgrowing global.We are now not only to think of our own nation but as and when wethink of it,we have to keep the international perception in mind;consequently,Ichose Politics with International Relations as one of my courses.

Studying in UK will breed a sense of individuality and self reliance.Iwould be able to interact with people from everywhere and get to know abouttheir culture.This would not only open new horizons for me,but would also clearsome preconceived notions one has about the other.I have always been an activeparticipant of debates.I have participated in 3 Model UN conferences out ofwhich I was awarded with the Best Delegate award in two. I was also one of thetwo students to be selected from my school to participate in the EnglishSpeaking Union '08.Moreover, I've taken part in Parliamentary style debatestoo.Therefore I believe I can communicate effectively in public and languagewill not be a barrier in my education.Furthermore, I have worked as an interneeat Al-Shifa Eye Hospital for a month in summers.Here I learnt how to deal withpatients,use the Auto Ref, handle files and punctuality.We also campaigned to aremote area near Murree where we helped the doctors in examining the patientsfree of cost.Another experience which taught me a lot was when me and my fellowcolleagues volunteered to paint walls for the SOS Children's Village.Inaddition,I worked with SUNGI (NGO) where a group of 5 of us had to organize anevent to pay tribute to 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I enjoy Literature,especially the works of Shakespeare,TennesseeWilliams,Thomas Hardy and Andrew Marvell.I'd be delighted to study in achallenging atmosphere where I can focus on my studies.I commit to my work andmy ability to think out of the box,keenness for Politics and my perception ofthings,I understand,gives me an edge over others.I believe in myself,and ifprovided with an opportunity,I'd make the university proud.

Yours sincerely,

2024个人出国留学申请书 篇13

Dear x,

I am a girl born in a small city. The year I was 18, I left my hometown and came to a big city where I am going to study and spent my five-year campus life there. I have learnt to do everything by myself and enjoy good relationship with classmates in the college, which I used to be so much worried about. Be more confident and independent, I really look forward to enjoying a campus life in America. There’s no doubt that I’ll learn much more from the friendly people and culture there where is neither in my hometown nor my country.

I major in Urban Planning in my university, which is a dream for me when I was young. I try my best to learn more about it, and do pretty well in architecture. In addition, I really go for in art designing and painting. The interests and hard-working help me get the first price in a designing competition. When I learnt that my dreaming subject, Landscape Architecture is just available in UC Davis, I was so happy.

Urban Planning is a subject requires various knowledge, science and art, internal and external. And if I get the chance to go abroad means I get the chance to know more. It’s certain that the rich experience will help a girl get closer to her goal, which is to be a qualified expert in Urban Planning. In the near future, I plan to put my knowledge into practice. Teachers and Books teach me what other countries do with city development, but I never really know what it is like. So during the time I study abroad, I want to complete a cognitive map of UC Davis, have a study of image space on small scale.

Yours sincerely,

2024个人出国留学申请书 篇14

Dear x,

In additional to all my documents provided, I would like to take thisopportunity to write a personal statement to clarify the main reasons that driveme to study in x.

I was born in 1981, the starting period of China's economy reform designedand implemented under the leadership of Mr. De Xiaoping. I have witnessed thedramatic changes in the continuous infrastructure construction, observableimprovement of living standards, greater enrichment of social life, gradualderegulation of policies and strong growth of local economy. All the positivesides make everybody fond of the market economy, especially my parents, both ofwho are managers of property development companies. My parents have greatinfluence on me, so when I was young, I start to learn how to keep abreast ofthe modern society by learning the new knowledge and skills.

The world is already heading toward the new economy, although there arestill some turmoil in certain fields and period. The explosive informationtechnology changed the world in such quick and significant manners that manyeconomists can't explain well. Meanwhile, China is joining WTO, the economy atthis moment is growing at 8% annually, by further eliminating non-tariffbarriers and reduce tariff rates, China's market will experience huge structuralchanges and countless opportunities will emerge to make China the hottest spotin the world economy. As a Chinese student, I am living in a new age that Chinais in shortage of personnel with proficient English skills, overseas educationbackground and capability to merge east and west cultures.

By choosing to study in RMIT University in Melbourne Australia, there are afew advantages that I can achieve my goal:

Australia is a multicultural country, and RMIT university is a well-knownmulticultural university. I can learn how to interact within different culturesto improve my interpersonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprisesfriends from different countries and areas.

Australia enjoys vast land, abundant resources, mild weather andwell-managed security, it is the best destination to study.

Australia has the world class educational systems, and RMIT university iswell-know for its practical mission and provident objectives. By learning its ITcourses, I can become an IT professional recognised in Australia and China andother places as I will have obtained professional IT skills.

Australia has good relationship with China and Australia is also changingits old economy image by actively engaged into cooperation between APECcountries and regions. China is certainly the biggest potential market forAustralia. With my multicultual background and Australian experience and skills,when I have completed study in Australia and returns China, I can participateinto the development of business cooperation or any other relationship

In short, by choosing to study in RMIT University in Australia, I willbenefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up myprofessional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into awell-managed market economy country.

I look forward that my application can be assessed and approved at yourearliest convenience!

Yours sincerely,

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2024个人出国留学申请书 篇17

Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA

P.C:02138 Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. _: I'm Yang, a master candidatefrom Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof.Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time.I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhDcandidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of theirfields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read alot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAXphases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such,you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. I find your area fits me well,so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. MyCV and published papers have been attached.

My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers inthe journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition,papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhDprogramme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-educationexperiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type ofco-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The studyperiod abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have toaccomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology),so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.

And this programme runs like this, students meet the applicationrequirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area isamong the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire anofficial invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, allI need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The dateof enrollment I'm considering is September/October 20xx. In order to make sure Ican catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all theapplication stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January,20xx. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter fromUSA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to makesure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if youcan't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose researchareas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon aspossible!

Yours sincerely,

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我是浙江师范大学艺术系的一名学生,即将面临毕业。四年来,在师友的严格 教益及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了等有关理论;熟悉 涉外工作常用礼仪;具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公 软件。同时,我利用课余时间广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不但充实了自己,也培养了自 己多方面的技能。

此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。大学四年,我 深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中 成长。我热爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业 添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。随信附上个人求职简历,收笔之际,郑重地提 一个小小的要求:无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意!





2024个人出国留学申请书 篇21

dear professor,

i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i ama chinese undergraduate from _, which is one of the top 10 universities inchina, and i will graduate in 20_. after that, i want to continue my educationby pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of _.

my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essecis on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in“cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications onbusiness of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me.and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career.that's why i seek entry to your theme.

during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. forexample, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized andschemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job,i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities.after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last yearand i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmatis necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test afterthe ielts test.

with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunityto work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working alongthe lines of your present research. thanks for your kindness andconsideration.

yours sincerely , _-

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