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英文感谢信 篇1

Dear mom,

thank you fo eveything you have eve given me,both mateially and spiitually! you tuly ae an amazing woman and i do not tell you enough how much i love you and how much you have shaped my life.without you i would not be the peson i am today!i would not have the dive o detemination to go afte my goals and ambitions in life. you have given me a geat example of how a woman can supass all expectations and fully succeed in all aspects of only ae you a wondeful mothe,but also a vey successful business owne,and published wite.i look up to you in evey way,as a mothe,a business woman in a male dominated wold,and as a deam fulfille in you published wok.with you as my example i know that i can achieve all that i want to achieve in life.

you give me hope that all my deams can be fulfilled!i know i do not eve say this o even act like i think this,but you life tuly blows me away.i think you ae an amazing peson both inside and out and even though we often do not get along i know that i always have a supeb woman in my life to look up to.i hope that one day in the futue i can be half the woman you ae.

thank you!

with love,

you little gril

英文感谢信 篇2



提示词:kind, help, encourage, thanks, hope




1. 文章的主题:感谢师恩

2. 文章的要点:对老师的感谢之情,对老师的印象,回忆老师的帮助,并表达祝福。

3. 文章的体裁:书信

4. 文章的人称:you, i

5. 文章的。时态:因为是回忆,所以以一般过去时为主。


1. 描写老师的形容词有哪些呢?

kind, nice, selfless, patient, easy-going, responsible, be strict with…

2. 有哪些单词和短语可以表示老师对自己的帮助呢?

help me with my english/ maths, explain…to me patiently, encourage me never to give up, praise me when i make progress, have a talk with me, take me to the hospital when i am ill, tell me some good ways to learn……


1. i want to say thanks/thank you.

2. i owe my progress/success to your help.

3. i owe you a lot for your help/what you’ve done for me.

4. i’ll never forget your help and i will remember all the happy times we shared together.

5. i hope you can be happy/healthy, forever.

6. i wish you good luck/health!


dear miss wang:

i’m glad to write to you.

you are such a kind and easy-going teacher that we all like you. i remember that at first i hated learning new english words very much and i even wanted to give up. when you noticed this, you had a talk with me. you told me some good ways to remember those words and encouraged me never to give up. i’ve made great progress in english and now i’m a top student in english.

i want to say thanks. i will work harder in the future. i hope you can be happy and healthy forever.




本文信息点齐全,层次比较清楚,语言比较通顺,句式也有一定的变化。作者首先用一个so…that 句式将老师随和、善良的特点勾勒出来,接下来回忆了老师是如何在自己当初因讨厌背单词而想放弃学英语时对自己无私的帮助。结尾处,对于老师的感谢和祝福也就水到渠成,感情真挚、自然。



dear miss wang,

i’m glad to write to you. at this moment, words can no longer express my feelings.

how kind and responsible can a teacher be? you just gave me the perfect answer. i can clearly remember how much i hated learning new english words at first. to be honest, i really wanted to give up. as soon as you noticed this, you offered to help me by telling me some shortcuts to learn them. you never failed to encourage me even when i made only a little progress. little by little, my interest in english grew and now i’m a top student in english.

i want to say thanks to you. i will work harder in the future to live up to your expectations. i hope you can be happy and healthy forever.





首先,开头at this moment, words can no longer express my feelings. 短短的一句话便把作者此时的激动和对老师的感激之情表达得很充分。第二段首句的设问句how kind and responsible can a teacher be? 更是精彩。在描写自己起初对英语单词的厌烦时,作者用了一个how 所引导的宾语从句替代原文的普通句式。

文章的几个过渡语也是恰到好处: to be honest, little by little等,均在一定程度上增强了文章的连贯性。此外,几个表达法也相当地道、出彩,比如用 live up to one’s expectations (不辜负某人的期望)表示自己的决心,使得整篇文章的感情更加饱满、真挚,给人留下了深刻的印象。

英文感谢信 篇3

The leader of anxin property:

I am the owner of ruijing new town community. On Saturday, March 30, 20xx, my mother went out of the house and left the key in the room. Panic, then mother rushed to the property security, just met we monitor how the monitor on duty and another young guard, to comfort my mother don't try so hard, the first call unlock company quickly. Because my son just ten months, alone in the house would be very dangerous, my mother was not frighten leg soft, cry doesn't know what to do, the lock to the company's people, our lock is a lift is locked up the sort of, very bad operation, worried when the monitor on duty in order to protect the property safety of the person of our residents, decisiveness, decided to lock the door, with the efforts of nearly an hour, finally opened the door, my son has no sound, thanks to your security, thank you! I inquire about are not enought to get the attendant's name, only know what monitor, their professional moral behavior is laudable, only in a short thank-you letter to express my deep gratitude. Their dedication and conscientious spirit deserve our study, and their efforts bring peace to our community. We live in such a harmonious community. I hereby thank you

英文感谢信 篇4

Dear xxx, 亲爱的xxx,

I would like to thank you for giving me to opportunity to have an in person interview with you. I feel honored to have passed the initial screening and to be on that short list. It was also a pleasure getting to meet you and the team/higher management team/department and see how the team functions through teamwork. 感谢您给了我这个面试机会。十分荣幸通过了第一轮面试进入最终名单。我同时也很高兴见到了你和整个团队/高级管理团队/部门。以及看到团队如何一起合作。

I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed that I was not your final choice. However, I enjoyed learning more about your company/department, and should there be a more suited position in xxx in the future, please keep me in mind. 最后没有被您选上,如果说我没有失望,那我是在撒谎。然而我很享受对你们公司/部门的加深了解,如果将来在xxx有更适合我的职位,请您考虑我。

I wish you and your team a great success and hope that we can meet sometime in the future within the field. 祝福你以及你的团队取得成功,也希望将来的某一天可以在这个领域再次见面。

Best regards, 诚挚的祝好
